(NEW) Oceanic+ Dive Housing
(NEW) Oceanic+ Dive Housing
Now you can use your iPhone as both an underwater camera and fully-functional dive computer!
Oceanic+ Dive Housing allows you to take great photos with automatic color correction on your iPhone whether diving, snorkeling, paddling, or playing in the water. With the Oceanic+ app and Dive Housing, your iPhone also becomes a fully functional dive computer, certified to EN13319 which is the internationally recognized standard for scuba diving gauges. One app, one subscription, two devices! With the Oceanic+ app, you can use the same subscription for both the Apple Watch Ultra and iPhone. This allows you to have two units sharing the same subscription to save you money. It also provides greater redundancy for diving with both the Apple Watch Ultra and iPhone with Oceanic+ Dive Housing.
Use your iPhone as an underwater camera while monitoring your dive data at the same time, then share your dive story with family and friends. Featuring automatic and advanced color correction for photos and videos with color-coded warnings and alerts during the dive, including images with an overlay of your dive profile data.