Underwater Pumpkin Carving Contest
Pacific Pro Dive & Marine Adventures' 19th annual Halloween underwater pumpkin carving contest is back. Like all good horror movies, a sequel was inevitable.
Divers arrive at 10am, Comox Marine Park, Sunday October 25th, and begin carving at 11am. A $10 registration fee secures each diver a pumpkin, hotdog and a raffle ticket.
This year we have more prizes than ever! With donations from an awesome bunch of manufacturers. Bare have donated a wheeled carry on bag (perfect to take to the Bahamas), Spy are giving away a pair of sweet sunglasses, we have a Light & Motion light, plus donations from ONeill Wetsuits, ONeill Clothing, Xcel, Shearwater, PADI and DAN. Not bad at all!
We're also proud supporters of Pitching In For Kids, just another reason to come down and support your local knife wielding, sub aquatic pumpkin carver!
Not a diver? No problem, join us for the BBQ and raffle, and appreciate the underwater efforts of our divers!
RSVP us now and we'll reserve you a hot dog!
Still not sure what to expect? Check out last years video: