Stunning Colour of Campbell River

Campbell River is an area with some of the highest tidal exchanges in North America, this results in vast amounts of water moving through the relatively narrow Discover Passage at very fast rates. This high water flow (often with currents at 10-14 knots) brings in a huge amount of nutrients, which over time has resulted in walls of colourful life. Yellow sulphur sponge, finger sponge, strawberry anemones, purple and green urchins, rockfish, lingcod, cabezon, and even giant pacific octopus.

The life beneath this part of BC is some of the most dense, interesting and colourful we've seen. Normally this level of colour and life is more akin to Port Hardy. But Whisky Point, April Point Wall and The Rock, all I Campbell River are just stunning places to look, learn and love British Columbia's underwater world.

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